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Source: Association of Salaried Medical Specialists

ASMS members are encouraged to stand or nominate colleagues for the positions of President and Vice President at each ASMS branch.

The positions are for three years. They are important in getting the voices of SMOs and SDOs heard at a local level and keeping ASMS informed on local issues and concerns.

The branches are:

Northland Whanganui
Waitematā Wairarapa
Auckland Hutt Valley
Counties Manukau Wellington
Waikato Marlborough
Tauranga Nelson
Whakatane West Coast
Rotorua and Taupō Canterbury
Taranaki South Canterbury
Tairawhiti (includes East Coast) Otago (includes Dunstan)
Hawke’s Bay (includes Wairoa) Southland (includes Queenstown)
Palmerston North (includes Horowhenua)  

Members employed by non-DHB employers (e.g. ACC, Family Planning Association, community trusts, union health centres, and hospices) are eligible to be nominated in the DHB geographic boundary they work in. Note that some DHBs have more than one branch (Bay of Plenty, Nelson Marlborough, and Southern). You do not have to be a DHB-employed member to be eligible to vote.

The closing date for nominations is Friday 21 May 2021 and they must be received by 4:30pm that day.

All nominations must be in writing and need to be signed by the nominator, seconder and nominee, with the full names printed legibly alongside or below each signature.

Nominees must declare that they are members of ASMS. All nominators and seconders must also be ASMS members.


The Returning Officer is ASMS Manager Support Services, Sharlene Lawrence. The address for nominations is:

The Returning Officer
Association of Salaried Medical Specialists,
PO Box 10763

or email to 

In the event of nominations exceeding positions, an electronic ballot will be held in May 2021, with a closing date for votes of Friday 25 June 2021, at 4:30pm.

The three year term will begin 1 July 2021 with the ASMS branch officer workshop being held in Wellington on Friday 9 July 2021.

These roles play a crucial leadership role in ASMS and we value your support in this important process.