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COVID-19 Schools moving to Orange

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) The announcement from the Minister that the country has moved to Orange will have an impact on schools. Your Senior...

Pay equity claims go to mediation

Source: New Zealand Education Institute (NZEI) NZEI Te Riu Roa will enter mediation with the Ministry of Education this week regarding its pay equity claim...

NZCTU supports Better Protections for Contractors

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU The NZCTU strongly endorses the recommendations of the Tripartite Working Group on Better Protections for Contractors, which it...

Introducing Michael Cabral-Tarry

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) Michael Cabral-Tarry, former regional chair for Tāmaki Makaurau and now PPTA Te Wehengarua’s newest Field Officer, introduces himself. In the...

Call for climate change curriculum

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) Students need to be better equipped for the uncertainties of our rapidly warming world. Climate change education should be taught...

Looking after the future of the profession

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) Now is a good time for your school to sign the Promise to New Teachers. A big shout out to...

Miriama’s outstanding service honoured

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) Miriama Barton’s many years of activism have been recognised and celebrated by the PPTA Te Wehengarua region. Miriama Barton (Te...

Winners are grinners

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) Derren Coles is recognised in national awards. Congratulations to PPTA Te Wehengarua member Derren Coles, a music teacher at Avonside...

Promoting Pasifika education

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) An introduction to Komiti Pasifika, what it does and some of its members. Komiti Pasifika represents Pasifika teachers and students...

Tū Toa – PPTA Pasifika Fono

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) You are invited to the 2022 Pasifika Fono. Kia orana!  Komiti Pasifika and the PLD Fund invites you to the 2022...

Your new Teaching Council representative

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) Mike Connor, a teacher at Whanganui City College, has been elected secondary teachers’ representative on the Teaching Council. Frustration fuelled...

Fair Pay Agreements Will Make A Real Difference For Kiwi Families

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU Today’s passing of the first reading of the bill to introduce Fair Pay Agreements is a big step...
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