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New Zealand Coalition Government

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Water investment in Raukokore

Source: New Zealand Government The remote eastern Bay of Plenty community of Raukokere will receive a Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) investment of $10.6 million for...

Funding to restore significant Māori sites in the Far North

Source: New Zealand Government The Provincial Growth Fund is investing $8.75 million to restore significant historic sites at Ōhaeawai in the Far North, upgrade marae...

Crown and Moriori sign a Deed of Settlement

Source: New Zealand Government A Deed of Settlement agreeing redress for historical Treaty claims has been signed by the Crown and Moriori at Kōpinga Marae...
Pike recovery efforts now in unexplored territory

Pike recovery efforts now in unexplored territory

Source: New Zealand Government The recovery and forensic examination of the loader driven by survivor Russell Smith means the underground team are now moving into...

Social Wellbeing Agency replaces Social Investment Agency with new approach

Source: New Zealand Government The Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni today announced a new approach that continues to broaden the Government’s social sector focus...

Big boost for community conservation in Northland

Source: New Zealand Government Nature in Te Tai Tokerau/Northland is getting a much needed boost thanks to additional funding for community conservation efforts announced the...

Government to fund Aids research

Source: New Zealand Government The Government is committing $300,000 to fund research to update behavioural information to make sure HIV and STI prevention services are...

PM announces public funeral service for Mike Moore

Source: New Zealand Government Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a funeral service for former Labour Prime Minister the Rt Hon Mike Moore, ONZ, AO. A...

Government to strengthen protections for whistleblowers

Source: New Zealand Government The Government is strengthening the Protected Disclosures Act to provide better protection for whistle blowers, Minister of State Services Chris Hipkins...

Enhanced Taskforce Green for Southland and South Otago

Source: New Zealand Government The Government has announced further help for the Southland and Otago regions to speed up recovery efforts from the floods.  “I’ve approved...

School attendance has to improve

Source: New Zealand Government All parents and caregivers need to ensure that their children go to school unless they are sick, Associate Education Minister Tracey...

New Zealand to restrict travel from China to protect against coronavirus

Source: New Zealand Government The Government is placing temporary entry restrictions into New Zealand on all foreign nationals travelling from, or transiting through mainland China...
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