New Auckland facility to support Police training


Source: New Zealand Government

A new training base to open in Auckland is another example of what can be achieved with a Government that is backing Police, Associate Police Minister Casey Costello says.

“Opening up training in our largest city provides Police with the opportunity to attract, train and get quality new officers from our largest market and will supplement the training that occurs at the Police College in Porirua.

“The coalition Government has a commitment to increase frontline Police numbers by 500 and provided $191 million in last year’s Budget to fund recruitment and training, and $34.6 million in capital to ensure that they are properly equipped to do their jobs. 

“That investment has enabled Police to focus on doing what they need to to improve the recruitment pipeline and attract quality new recruits and get them out on to the streets faster.

“We want Police to do all that they can to drive recruitment, increase the number of Police and to make our communities safer and that’s exactly what they’re doing,” Ms Costello says.

“The announcement of the new training base is a concrete example of that. As well as training recruits, the Auckland facility will be used for senior training courses, and I am confident that it will also be a useful resource for other agencies.

“This Government will continue to back Police and make changes to improve law and order in New Zealand.”


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