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Nurses’ strike

Source: Association of Salaried Medical Specialists We know that the nurses’ strike is going to pose real challenges to staff and patients AND we fully...

Why New Zealand needs Fair Pay Agreements – E tū

Source: Etu Union By E tū Assistant National Secretary Annie Newman, as published on Stuff on 3 June 2021: It has been 30 years since...

South Island disruption highlights need for coastal shipping

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says coastal shipping could provide a essential lifeline to regions...

E tū supports International Cabin Crew Day today – E tū

Source: Etu Union E tū is the biggest aviation union in Aotearoa New Zealand and we are proud to stand with the the International Transport...

Whakatāne Mill to stay open under new owner – E tū

Source: Etu Union Whakatāne Mill will stay open with the sale to the new owner now finalised. The mill, one of the largest employers in the...

Maritime Union demands Government action in offshore crewing dispute

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand Maritime Union of New Zealand Wellington Branch Secretary Jim King says local crews in the Taranaki offshore industry have...

Abortion safe areas protect staff & service users from bullying & harassment

Source: Public Service Association (PSA) Public Service Association members today spoke to the Health Select Committee in support of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion (Safe...

New research shows teacher and principal health and wellbeing much worse than general population

Source: New Zealand Education Institute (NZEI) New research shows teacher and principal health and wellbeing much worse than general population 27 May 2021 Results from NZEI Te Riu Roa’s...

Saliva testing “major advance” for aviation and border workers­­ – E tū

Source: Etu Union E tū aviation and border workers are looking forward to the Government’s rollout of saliva testing, which will reduce the frequency of...

Essential migrant support workers relieved visa shock reversed – E tū

Source: Etu Union Hundreds of essential skilled migrant workers in the aged care and disability support sectors are relieved they can go back to work...

Social insurance will protect all workers, particularly those at highest risk

Source: Public Service Association (PSA) The Public Service Association strongly supports government plans to develop a social insurance scheme, which will protect all workers but...

Ports of Auckland: it’s about accountability

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand Maritime Union Local 13 Auckland Branch Secretary Russell Mayn says he is appalled at comments from Auckland Chamber of...
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