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Tertiary Education Commission

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The learner component

Source: Tertiary Education Commission Last updated 8 April 2022Last updated 8 April 2022 The learner component is one of three funding components in the new unified...

The delivery component

Source: Tertiary Education Commission The delivery component is one of three funding components in the new unified funding system (UFS) for vocational education and training....

Directory of TITOs

Source: Tertiary Education Commission Trading Name Organisation name Gazette recognition BCITO Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation Building, construction, flooring, masonry, glass and glazing, joinery, interior systems, and painting and...

TITO Transition Plans

Source: Tertiary Education Commission Last updated 6 April 2022Last updated 6 April 2022 Under the Reform of Vocational Education, the role that the Transitional Industry Training...

Dyslexia Resources

Source: Tertiary Education Commission Last updated 4 April 2022Last updated 4 April 2022 This section contains information, resources, and tools to help you meet the needs...

Sector performance information

Source: Tertiary Education Commission Last updated 15 October 2019Last updated 15 October 2019 One of our key responsibilities is to monitor the performance of tertiary education...

Pre-purchased English Language Tuition (PELT)

Source: Tertiary Education Commission Last updated 28 March 2022Last updated 28 March 2022 As a part of their residency requirements, some migrants are required to pay...

Financial performance

Source: Tertiary Education Commission Last updated 22 March 2022Last updated 22 March 2022 We collate the annual audited data on the financial performance of all public tertiary...

Funding allocations

Source: Tertiary Education Commission Funding allocations and final fundingWhile we determine most funding allocations before the start of the calendar year, funding changes are made...

Investment Briefs for Investment in 2023 have now been released

Source: Tertiary Education Commission Last updated 15 March 2022Last updated 15 March 2022 We have now released the Investment Briefs. These briefs give tertiary education organisations...

Key Information for Students – information for TEOs

Source: Tertiary Education Commission Last updated 10 January 2020Last updated 10 January 2020 Learners tell us making decisions about studying can be difficult because consistent information...

Change of ownership

Source: Tertiary Education Commission A PTE that receives funding from the Tertiary Education Commission (the TEC) must advise us of the following (as part of...
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