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GWRC tax screw-up should result in a sacking

Source: Taxpayers Union 29 MARCH 2021FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASESomeone at Greater Wellington Regional Council needs to lose their job over a nine-year failure to pay the correct amount...

Taxpayers’ Union to Timaru Mayor: put your shirt back on

Source: Taxpayers Union 29 MARCH 2021FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is slamming Timaru Mayor Nigel Bowen’s topless photoshoot in today’s Timaru Herald as ratepayer-funded political advertising.Union spokesman Louis Houlbrooke says,...

Taxpayer Talk: Climate Change Commission head Dr Rod Curr, with NZ Initiative’s Matt Burgess

Source: Taxpayers Union Jordan Williams gets 30 minutes with the Climate Change Commission’s Chair, Dr Roderick Carr at their offices.  He is joined by Matt Burguss, the...

What taxes will the Government cut to offset its new revenue?

Source: Taxpayers Union 26 MARCH 2021FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is calling on the Government to cut taxes to offset new revenue from its changes...

Investigation: Is it possible to commute from Hamilton to Auckland on the new train...

Source: Taxpayers Union Is it possible to commute from Hamilton to Auckland using the new Te Huia train service?24 MARCH 2021FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe Te Huia train service...

Taxpayer Talk: Ian Harrison on the Climate Change Commission

Source: Taxpayers Union Jordan is joined by Ian Harrison, Principal at Tailrisk Economics for a discussion on the Climate Change Commission, the benefits of an...

Ardern’s comments on Mallard smoking gun bizarre and untruthful (featuring helpful diagram)

Source: Taxpayers Union 24 MARCH 2021FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe Taxpayers’ Union is slamming the Prime Minister’s claims published by RNZ that the High Court Statement of Claim does “not raise any issues...

Claiming ‘truth’ knowing it not to be so: Speaker’s position now untenable

Source: Taxpayers Union SPEAKER’S POSITION NOW UNTENABLE24 MARCH 2021FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEResponding to revelations being reported by Newstalk ZB that the Speaker threatened to plead truth and bad reputation...

Ombudsman missing in action over Climate Change Commission models

Source: Taxpayers Union 23 MARCH 2021FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is calling out the Ombudsman for ignoring the public fracas over the Climate Change Commission’s refusal...

EXCLUSIVE: Hamilton City Council harvested submissions from school children

Source: Taxpayers Union 23 MARCH 2021FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEHamilton City Council staff members have been visiting classrooms and harvesting submissions from children on the Council’s Māori partnership strategy,...

Grant Robertson breaks bright-line test promise

Source: Taxpayers Union 23 MARCH 2021FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEResponding to the Government’s housing policy announcements, New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union spokesman Louis Houlbrooke says:“Grant Robertson made a clear promise not to...

SkyPath should now be dead in the water

Source: Taxpayers Union 22 MARCH 2021FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is calling for the complete withdrawal of taxpayer funding for SkyPath, in light of reports suggesting...
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