
Auckland Museum transformation wins NZ Institute of Architects awards

Source: Auckland Council The redevelopment of Auckland Museum’s South Atrium, Te Ao Mārama, has been recognised by the New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) at...

How to Save Power During Lockdown

Source: Press Release Service – New ZealandDid you know that your electronic devices only contribute a small fraction of your power consumption? Here are...

Have your say on the Charities Amendment Bill

Source: New Zealand Parliament Its objective is to make practical changes to support charities to continue their vital contribution to community well-being. It would also...

Greenpeace activists drop banners from Parliament gallery, call for climate election

Source: Greenpeace Greenpeace activists have dropped three banners from the public gallery to call for a climate election, as Parliament adjourns for the last time before...
Further investment to move NCEA exams online

Further investment to move NCEA exams online

Source: New Zealand Government Two-thirds of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) exams can now be delivered digitally as the Government boosts funding for...

Local Government – Fairer registration fees among proposed dog control changes

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Porirua City Council  A safer city and fairer fees for responsible dog owners are the goals of proposed changes to Porirua City’s dog...

Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation introduced to Parliament

Source: New Zealand Government Legislation has been introduced to Parliament to protect against practices intended to change or suppress someone’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or...

Environmental regulator welcomes Rob Campbell as Board Chair

Source: Environmental Protection Authority 01 December 2021 As the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) enters its second decade, the independent regulator is extending a warm welcome to...

Government hits major rural connectivity milestone

Source: New Zealand Government The Government has hit another major milestone in improving connectivity for rural and remote households and businesses, as 400 mobile towers...

Employment – PSA to picket NIWA next Thursday (29 Feb)

Source: PSA PSA members at NIWA have voted to picket outside their workplaces on Thursday 29 February and on Wednesday 6 March in support of their...

Cabinet paper DEV-20-SUB-0005: GST policy issues – an officials’ issues paper

Source: Inland Revenue Department – News and information about the Government’s tax policy work programme, including:– proposed changes to the laws that Inland Revenue is...

Off-Campus: Peering into deep space

Source: University of Otago John Pickering regularly hosts events in his Christchurch garden where people can use his telescopes to get a little closer to...
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