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New Zealand Parliament - Hansard

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Parliament Hansard Report – Thursday, 14 April 2022 – Volume 758 – 000876

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard Question No. 5—Housing 5. CHRIS BISHOP (National) to the Minister of Housing: How many KiwiBuild houses were built in January...

Parliament Hansard Report – Karakia/Prayers – 000875

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard THURSDAY, 14 APRIL 2022 The Deputy Speaker took the Chair at 2 p.m. KARAKIA/PRAYERS DEPUTY SPEAKER: E te Atua kaha rawa, ka...

Parliament Hansard Report – Motions — Matatini—50th Anniversary – 000874

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard MOTIONS Matatini—50th Anniversary DEBBIE NGAREWA-PACKER (Co-Leader—Te Paati Māori) (remote): Point of order, Mr Speaker. I seek leave to move a motion...

Parliament Hansard Report – Wednesday, 13 April 2022 (continued on Thursday, 14 April 2022)...

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard GLEN BENNETT (Labour—New Plymouth): Kia ora, Mr Chair, thank you very much, and I want to thank Ricardo Menéndez...

Parliament Hansard Report – House in Committee – 000872

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard HOUSE IN COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON (Ian McKelvie): Members, the House is in committee on the Human Rights (Disability Assist Dogs Non-Discrimination)...

Parliament Hansard Report – Human Rights (Disability Assist Dogs Non-Discrimination) Amendment Bill —...

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard HUMAN RIGHTS (DISABILITY ASSIST DOGS NON-DISCRIMINATION) AMENDMENT BILL In Committee Clause 1 Title CHAIRPERSON (Ian McKelvie): We come first to the Human...

Parliament Hansard Report – Wednesday, 13 April 2022 – Volume 758 – 000870

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard PETITIONS, PAPERS, SELECT COMMITTEE REPORTS, AND INTRODUCTION OF BILLS SPEAKER: No petitions or papers have been presented. Select committee reports...

Parliament Hansard Report – Karakia/Prayers – 000869

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard WEDNESDAY, 13 APRIL 2022 Mr Speaker took the Chair at 2 p.m. KARAKIA/PRAYERS ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Hon Jenny Salesa): Ke tau lotu. ‘E...

Parliament Hansard Report – Papers, Petitions, Select Committee Reports, and Introduction of Bills –...

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard PETITIONS, PAPERS, SELECT COMMITTEE REPORTS, AND INTRODUCTION OF BILLS SPEAKER: No petitions or papers have been presented. Select committee reports...

Parliament Hansard Report – Thursday, 7 April 2022 – Volume 758 – 000867

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard Question No. 4—Environment 4. BARBARA EDMONDS (Labour—Mana) to the Minister for the Environment: What announcements has the Government made about...

Parliament Hansard Report – Karakia/Prayers – 000866

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard THURSDAY, 7 APRIL 2022 The Deputy Speaker took the Chair at 2 p.m. KARAKIA/PRAYERS DEPUTY SPEAKER: E te Atua kaha rawa, ka...

Parliament Hansard Report – Business Statement – 000865

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard BUSINESS STATEMENT Hon CHRIS HIPKINS (Leader of the House): Next week the committee stage of the Appropriation (2020/21 Confirmation and...
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