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Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


Hon BARBARA EDMONDS (Minister for Economic Development) on behalf of the Leader of the House: Next week, the committee stage of the Appropriation (2023/24 Estimates) Bill will begin. This is the Estimates debate. There will be appearances by the Ministers of Education, Finance, Health, Housing, Social Development and Employment, Police, and Transport. Other legislation to be considered will include the second readings of the Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 3), and the Land Transport (Road Safety) Amendment Bill. There will be extended sittings of the House on the morning of Wednesday, 2 August for members’ business, and on the morning of Thursday, 3 August for Government business.

Hon MICHAEL WOODHOUSE (National): Thank you, Mr Speaker. I thank the “Acting Acting Leader of the House” for her update on next week. We are making some progress on the Natural and Built Environment Bill and the Spatial Planning Bill. These are very important to the Government. Can she confirm whether or not there will be further progress next week, and, if not, that the Government does not intend to take urgency to advance that after the next recess week?

Hon BARBARA EDMONDS (Minister for Economic Development): If the committee stages are not completed today, they will continue next week. Third readings will not take place. The Business Committee will be informed of any plans for urgency in advance.