Government Cuts – Cuts will ramp up pressure on Corrections staff – PSA


Source: PSA

Proposed job cuts at the Department of Corrections in response to the Government’s programme of cutting public services will see a reduction in vital roles that support Corrections Officers, Probation Officers, Case Managers and managers do their jobs well.
Corrections’ latest change proposal would result in a net reduction of 49 roles in its already stretched People and Capability, said Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi National Secretary Fleur Fitzsimons.
“The proposed cuts will reduce the organisation’s ability to ensure its staff, who often work in risky environments, are trained and developed and have the right levels of health and safety and other support,” Fitzsimons said.
The roles that are going include positions in Health and Safety and Learning and Development and capability building.
“All these workers have important roles to play in ensuring Corrections supports and retains its staff.
“The chain of cause and effect is clear: these cuts will degrade the quality of support to front-line staff. If front-line staff aren’t getting the support they need, their jobs will be harder and they’re more likely to leave. It’s going to impact the services that Corrections staff can deliver now and in the future. The impact of these cuts will be felt for years to come.
“In the Government’s pursuit of cost savings to fund tax relief for landlords there has been little regard for how these proposed changes will negatively impact frontline services, let alone ensuring New Zealand has an effective Justice system.
“More, not less funding is required to ensure that public services such as Corrections can keep delivering for New Zealanders.
“One hand of the Government doesn’t know what the other is doing. It passes new sentencing laws to put people in prison for longer, but it’s also happy to kneecap those helping keep front-line staff safe and help them to do their job. This is yet another example of the senselessness of this programme of cuts,” Fitzsimons said.


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