InternetNZ – Concern about AI remains high amongst New Zealanders


Source: InternetNZ

A recent Internet Insights survey conducted by InternetNZ has revealed that a large majority of New Zealanders (68%) are worried about the potential malicious use of AI and the lack of regulation surrounding it. While only 10% of respondents expressed more excitement than concern, 44% reported feeling more concerned than excited.
InternetNZ Chief Executive Vivien Maidaborn believes that widespread acceptance of AI is still yet to come, but acknowledges that New Zealanders are taking the initiative to understand AI and its implications.
Maidaborn stated, “We’re mostly still getting to grips with AI and exploring what it means to us. The concern that New Zealanders are expressing is reasonable, given the lack of awareness and education or Governmental guidance there is about it.”
The survey also highlighted specific areas of concern, with 68% of respondents highly concerned about AI being used for malicious purposes. Other major concerns included insufficient regulation and laws (62%), inaccurate information from AI (62%), and unintended harm caused by AI (60%).
Despite these concerns, 73% of New Zealanders admitted to knowing only ‘a little’ about AI, and 12% said they know nothing at all. Misuse of intellectual property was also a concern for 52% of respondents.
Maidaborn emphasised the need for Government action to protect citizens from potential harm as AI continues to evolve, stating, “The New Zealand public bears the brunt of people creating tools and releasing them to the market without regulation, so we need our government to be thinking about what guidelines, policies, and laws are required to keep us safe and informed.
“She also highlighted the importance of ensuring that AI benefits New Zealanders, stating, “The main focus for AI needs to be getting it to add value to our lives and to help us as New Zealanders, and that remains yet to be seen.”
Currently, New Zealand is ranked 40th on the Oxford University Government AI Readiness Index. The United States, Canada, UK, France, and Australia are all in the top ten.


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