Update: Serious crash closes State Highway 59 to southbound traffic near Porirua (one SB lane now OPEN)


Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

10 pm:

One southbound lane on State Highway 59 has been reopened to traffic following the crash earlier this evening.

The highway was closed to southbound traffic for approximately three and a half hours.

NZTA/Waka Kotahi and the Wellington Transport Alliance thank drivers for their patience and understanding this evening while the crash scene was investigated and cleared.

Drivers are asked to take care driving through the area until both southbound lanes have reopened

6:50 pm:

State Highway 59 is currently closed to southbound traffic from Mungavin Interchange to State Highway 1.

It follows a serious crash on the highway which occurred shortly before six o’clock this evening.

Southbound traffic heading to Wellington on State Highway 59 should avoid the area and use an alternative route.

The highway’s northbound lanes remain open.

Emergency services and contractors are attending the incident, and the southbound lanes are expected to remain closed until a Police Serious Crash Unit investigation is completed and the crash site is cleared.

Drivers are encouraged to check the highway’s status before they travel. Updates can be found on the NZTA/Waka Kotahi website.


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