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Source: Save The Children

At least 17 children are among more than 100 civilians injured or killed following the attacks in Dnipro last night, Ukraine officials have said, as rescue workers continue to find casualties under the rubble in sub-zero temperatures overnight.  The toll is expected to rise as emergency services clear through the debris. 

“The massive number of civilian casualties sends a chilling note on what the new year will look like for civilians in Ukraine. Families that have not taken down their Christmas lights yet have to contend with a winter without water, electricity, heating. Yesterday, some lost their children as well” Sonia Khush, Save the Children Ukraine Country Director said. 

“Residents from neighbouring houses, including children, have volunteered to help first responders to clear the debris, and brought food, warm clothes and blankets for people evacuated from the building,” Khush added.

The strike has reportedly deprived more than 1,000 residents of housing.

Yesterday’s attack raises the number of civilian casualties since 24 February 2022 to over 18,100, and including more than 1,000 children, according to UN figures. The true numbers are feared to be much higher.

Save the Children demands that International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law must be respected, and for the UN Security Council to fulfil its mandate in maintaining peace and security. Perpetrators of violations against children must be held to account.