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Source: Social Justice Aotearoa

Social Justice Aotearoa CEO Jackie Foster has responded to Peter Ellis’ convictions being quashed today, calling for greater accountability in our Police and Justice system.

Jackie Foster is asking, “How many more convictions are going to have to be overturned before someone is held accountable?”

“It’s a sad state of affairs when people are wrongly convicted by false allegations, testimony, and corrupt police processes, and no one is actually held accountable for those life changing, damaging actions.

“What about cases such as Arthur Allan Thomas, where evidence was planted by Police, and Teina Pora where Police continued to seek evidence against Teina in what has been described as a campaign by police to “get him at all costs”.

” There is also Allan Hall where Police unfairly obtained statements from Hall who has autism spectrum disorder, and subjected him to lengthy questioning without a lawyer present.

“The list goes on, but never have we seen the Police or anyone in the judiciary system held accountable.

“Police should be pillars of our community, respected, admired, and trusted. But in today’s society there is a growing feeling of not trusting Police.

“I would suggest, once people are actually held to account for the corrupt actions they undertook to get a conviction, damaging so many lives along the way, the public may once again start having faith in our Police and Justice system,” Jackie Foster said.