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Source: New Zealand Police (District News)

Attribute to Detective Senior Sergeant Geoff Baber, Auckland City CIB:

Police have made a quick apprehension following a burglary at a central Auckland jewellery store on Tuesday morning.

The burglary occurred before 3am at the Queen Street store.

Detectives working on Operation Rhino located a 19-year-old man late yesterday in the wider central Auckland area as part of our enquiries.

He has since been charged with burglary and is due to appear in the Auckland District Court today.

Police have also recovered items of interest to our enquiry including jewellery taken from the store.

Operation Rhino, operating within Auckland City District, continues to focus investigative efforts on offending including ram-raids, night-time burglaries and jewellery store robberies.

Police are continuing to investigate the burglary and we cannot rule out further arrests being made as part of our enquiries.


Jarred Williamson/NZ Police