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Source: New Zealand Police (District News)

In June, Police launched Puhikura, a campaign which has been created to attract more wahine Māori to join Police.

The candid documentary series shows wāhine Māori Police applicants telling their honest stories of what has held them back from being recruited into Police and what has called them forward. 

The documentary/short films will be used as a focal point for community and marae-based recruiting seminars and events hosted by New Zealand Police targeting Māori – wāhine, tāne, iwi, whānau and friends.  Our aim is to invite korero with us about individuals’ barriers or concerns.

We want other wāhine Māori to be able to identify with those profiled in the documentaries and hope the campaign helps us to better understand and be able to respond to barriers for Māori from a Te Ao Māori perspective.

Details of Hastings event: 

Date: 28 June

Address: Hastings Girls’ High, Pakowhai Road, Hastings

Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm

Contact: Lee-Ann Mainwarning (021 192 3081) and Greg Macklow (021 192 3656)

Details of Napier event: 

Date: 29 June

Address: Century Theatre Napier MTG Hawke’s Bay, 65 Marine Parade

Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm

Contact: Lee-Ann Mainwarning (021 192 3081) and Greg Macklow (021 192 3656)

Other events will be held across the country over the course of the next few months

On Thursday June 30 Wing 355, the Arihia Stirling Wing, will graduate with over 20 of the recruits identifying as wāhine Māori. Back in 2017, Police were achieving that number across the entire year. 

We are excited that we will have a future constabulary workforce that will match or be very close to matching our population demographics.

But we are not there yet – and that’s why this campaign is needed, as although the numbers of Māori being recruited have increased substantially over the past four years, this is still a group that is under-represented, particularly wāhine Māori.

Diversity in Police is important for all New Zealanders and we are absolutely committed to delivering the best possible policing service for New Zealanders. 

We encourage any wāhine Māori, tāne, iwi, whānau and friends to attend these community events to find out more information and talk to recruiting staff.

Media are also invited to attend any of the events in their districts please check for a community event in your area.

To find out more about the Puhikura campaign and check for other community events near you check them out here:


Issued by Police Media Centre