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Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

2 mins ago

The government has announced a change to the current traffic light setting of the COVID-19 Protection Framework today. From 11:59pm Wednesday 13 April New Zealand will move to Orange. This will be reviewed again in mid-May.

How EIT will operate at COVID-19 ORANGE alert level? 

  • Most courses will return to campus and do in person learning from the start of Term 2 (Monday 2 May). Your Programme coordinator will be in touch with you about this. 
  • Face masks are strongly recommended but not required indoors. There may be some staff and students who are still required to wear a mask because of the work they do (customer service and close-proximity business).
  • Physical distancing remains in place. EIT Libraries, classrooms and indoor hubs will display room capacity limits to support physical distancing.  
  • There is no limit on indoor or outdoor gatherings so long as physical distancing can be maintained Gatherings at marae can also go ahead, but tikanga will be adapted.  
  • Please do not come to EIT if you are sick, symptomatic, or a household contact
  • We encourage students who are feeling ill to get tested and self-isolate at home. If you test positive for COVID-19, you will need to isolate for 7 days. You can call EIT’s 0800 22 55 348 number to let us know if you test positive for COVID-19. Click for further advice.
  • My Vaccine Passes are not required. See below for the update on our EIT COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.

COVID-19 vaccinations

EIT has reviewed its position with respect to COVID-19 vaccinations and has ‘retired’ its COVID-19 Vaccination Policy effective 15 April 2022 . This means mean that from 15 April 2022 staff, students, visitors and contractors no longer need to be vaccinated in order to come ‘onsite’.

This decision is in line with changes to both the Public Health Vaccination Orders and the COVID-19 Protection Framework. These changes include the easing of restrictions as part of New Zealand’s plan to return to a greater sense of normality. EIT considered feedback from staff, students and the wider community in making this decision. 

The modified requirements of the Public Health Vaccination Orders  still apply to staff and students working and studying in health and disability, aged care and corrections.  Some organisations and placement providers we work with or enter into may still choose to use My Vaccine Passes. For current or prospective students in programmes involving these Health Orders, or workplace-based learning in settings requiring vaccination, proof of full vaccination is still required.  Click here for the new which outlines where vaccinations are still required and the support that EIT will continue to provide

EIT remains focused on keeping all members of the EIT community safe in its response to the evolving COVID-19 situation. EIT strongly encourages the EIT community to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and receive future boosters as they become eligible. EIT continues to support the basic health and safety measures of mask wearing, physical distancing and hand washing to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19.