Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard
Hon CHRIS HIPKINS (Leader of the House): Next week the House will consider the remaining stages of the Counter- Terrorism Legislation Bill, the Social Security (Subsequent Child Policy Removal) Amendment Bill, and the Water Services Bill, and the first readings of the Animal Welfare Amendment Bill, the Civil Aviation Bill, the COVID-19 Public Health Response Amendment Bill (No 2), and the Electricity Industry Amendment Bill. A motion to confirm COVID-19 orders will be debated. As advised to the Business Committee, there’ll be an extended sitting of the House on the morning of Thursday, 30 September.
Hon MICHAEL WOODHOUSE (National): I thank the Leader of the House for that update and ask him, given we’re just over six months away from the stated time for the Government to pass significant amendments to the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act, whether we can expect to see a bill introduced in the next week or so, or does the Government intend to introduce it later and have a shorter consideration period?
Hon CHRIS HIPKINS (Leader of the House): In terms of the timing of the introduction of health-related legislation, that is a matter for the Minister of Health.