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Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

Working people are welcoming today’s announcement from Hon Michael Wood, Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety, that the law change, increasing minimum sick leave from 5 days to 10 days per year, will be initiated before Christmas.

“We are pleased that the Minister has clearly heard the rationale of the union movement’s campaign to increase sick leave,” CTU President Richard Wagstaff said.

“However, the draft law still needs some work. Currently working people are not able to access any sick leave until they have been with the same employer for six months. This ‘stand-down’ period is simply impractical and inconsistent with the whole purpose of the law; to keep people away from work when they are unwell. Regardless of how long you have been with your employer, when you are sick you should be at home.”

“We are still working to get the existing COVID leave scheme fixed so that no one is expected to go without pay because they have been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting their test results.”

“Working people and their unions will be making the most of the parliamentary processes and we will be raising our concerns at select committee,” Wagstaff said.