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Workers’ Memorial Day

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU On April 28th, Workers’ Memorial Day, working people all around the world remember those killed at work. CTU President...

Port unions demand stronger penalties for negligent employers

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand New Zealand’s two port unions have spoken out on Workers Memorial Day (28 April), demanding improvements to health and...

Employment Court finds in bus drivers favour & grants injunction against lockout

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU The Employment Court has forced NZ Bus to stop its ruthless tactics and allow drivers back on the...

Union seeks injunction against unlawful lockout by NZ Bus

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU The Tramways Union has filed proceedings in the Employment Court seeking an urgent injunction against NZ Bus for...

CME and the trans-Tasman travel bubble

Source: Association of Salaried Medical Specialists With the much-anticipated trans-Tasman travel bubble now operating, some of you may be thinking of jetting across the Tasman...

Rural health at a crossroads

Source: Association of Salaried Medical Specialists Your browser does not support JavaScript!This website is best viewed with Javascript on. Please enable JavaScript in your browser...

Bus drivers indefinitely locked-out by employer

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU The Council of Trade Unions is shocked and appalled by the behaviour of NZ Bus, owned by Next...

No progress around health and safety at Ports of Auckland

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand The Maritime Union says no progress on health and safety issues was made in an informal meeting with Ports...

Support for health reforms but worker voice vital – E tū

Source: Etu Union E tū, one of the largest unions for DHB-employed and contracted health workers, aged care, community, and disability support service workers, welcomes...

Inflation data disguises continued higher cost of living for the poorest

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU The Council of Trade Unions is concerned that today’s consumer price index (CPI) data shows that for the...

CTU supports bold health reforms

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU The Council of Trade Unions is broadly supportive of the bold reforms to our health sector as announced...

Worker participation essential for successful health reform

Source: Public Service Association (PSA) Sweeping reforms announced today can deliver New Zealand a joined up, effective and equitable health system, but for them to...
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