Specialist alcohol and drug addiction services strengthened across New Zealand

Specialist alcohol and drug addiction services strengthened across New Zealand

Source: New Zealand Government •    New funding for four beds at Napier’s Springhill Residential Addiction Centre •    A new managed withdrawal home and community service, and...
Coastal Shipping Webinar

Coastal Shipping Webinar

Source: New Zealand Government Introduction, seafarers and POAL Good morning everyone, I am delighted to be online with you all today. Before I begin, I have to...
Support for resilient rail connection to the West Coast

Support for resilient rail connection to the West Coast

Source: New Zealand Government A $13 million investment from Government will create jobs and improve the resilience of the rail connection between Christchurch and the...
Major investment in safe drinking water

Major investment in safe drinking water

Source: New Zealand Government The Government is investing $761 million to assist local government upgrade under-pressure water services across the country, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern...
Supporting stranded seasonal workers to keep working with more flexible options

Supporting stranded seasonal workers to keep working with more flexible options

Source: New Zealand Government Recognised Seasonal Employers and migrant seasonal workers stranded in New Zealand will be able to continue working and supporting themselves with...
Relief for temporary migrants, employers and New Zealanders who need work

Relief for temporary migrants, employers and New Zealanders who need work

Source: New Zealand Government The Government is making immediate short-term changes to visa settings to support temporary migrants already onshore in New Zealand and their...
Freshwater commissioners and fast-track consenting convenor appointed

Freshwater commissioners and fast-track consenting convenor appointed

Source: New Zealand Government Professor Peter Skelton CNZM has been appointed as Chief Freshwater Commissioner and Alternate Environment Court Judge Craig James Thompson as Deputy...
Feedback sought – Commercial Film and Video Production Facilities

Feedback sought – Commercial Film and Video Production Facilities

Source: New Zealand Government The Associate Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration, Poto Williams, is seeking feedback on a proposal to better enable the development and...
Govt launches bold primary sector plan to boost economic recovery

Govt launches bold primary sector plan to boost economic recovery

Source: New Zealand Government The Government has launched a bold plan to boost primary sector export earnings by $44 billion over the next decade, while...
New Report on Auckland Port Relocation

New Report on Auckland Port Relocation

Source: New Zealand Government The Government has released a major new report on the options for relocating the Port of Auckland’s freight operations while deferring...
Wellbeing of whanau at heart of new hub

Wellbeing of whanau at heart of new hub

Source: New Zealand Government A new approach to prevent family harm that encourages greater collaboration across government and community groups is being celebrated at the...
Dual place names for Te Pātaka-o-Rākaihautū / Banks Peninsula features

Dual place names for Te Pātaka-o-Rākaihautū / Banks Peninsula features

Source: New Zealand Government The history of Rāpaki is being restored through the inclusion of te reo in thirteen official place names on Te Pātaka-o-Rākaihautū...
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