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Why is Creative NZ sponsoring left-wing opinion pieces?

Source: Taxpayers Union 18 NOVEMBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe Taxpayers’ Union is asking why Creative NZ is funding articles on a left-wing opinion website to pressure the Government remove...

Leaked: MP Election Diaries

Source: Taxpayers Union Your stupendous yet humble New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union has obtained copies of Members of Parliament’s election diaries. We requested them under the...

Westpac being reckless with truth with taxes on capital campaigning

Source: Taxpayers Union 17 NOVEMBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe Taxpayers’ Union is calling on Westpac to bring its Chief Economist into line after his extraordinary interview...

Taxpayer Update: More money printing | Ping pong for COVID | Poor form from...

Source: Taxpayers Union Dear Supporter,We need tax relief, not desperate money printing The Reserve Bank Governor’s announcement of a new $28 billion ‘Funding for Lending’ money printing programme is...

Desperate money printing underscores case for GST cut

Source: Taxpayers Union 11 NOVEMBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDesperate money printing from the Reserve Bank demonstrates the urgent need for tax relief, says the New Zealand Taxpayers’...

Vaping crackdown makes Smokefree 2025 a pipe dream

Source: Taxpayers Union 11 NOVEMBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEToday’s introduction of restrictions on vaping advertising and flavours means New Zealand is unlikely to achieve its Smokefree 2025...

MEDIA RELEASE: Disgraceful councillor demonstrates need for recall elections

Source: Taxpayers Union 9 NOVEMBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union says the disgraceful and disrespectable outburst by Wellington City Councillor Tamatha Paul, and...

Dozens of NGOs urge Jacinda Ardern: Raise welfare by Christmas

Source: Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) 09 November 2020 Over 50 prominent organisations have joined together to urge the government to raise income support by Christmas,...

Badminton against COVID-19 is a waste of taxpayer money

Source: Taxpayers Union 7 NOVEMBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENot content with just building multi-million-dollar horse racetracks in order to combat COVID-19, the Government’s new taxpayer funded...

CCDHB appointment process creates conflict of interest

Source: Taxpayers Union 5 NOVEMBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe Taxpayers’ Union has written to Capital & Coast DHB CEO Fionnagh Dougan to enquire about an apparent conflict of interest...

Let the people speak on electoral reform

Source: Taxpayers Union 2 NOVEMBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe Prime Minister’s proposals on electoral law are worthy of serious consideration, but the ultimate decisions should be...

Stuart Nash has the chance to end corporate welfare

Source: Taxpayers Union 2 NOVEMBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is welcoming the appointment of Hon Stuart Nash as Minister for Economic and Regional Development.Union spokesman...
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