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Greens back calls for mandatory pay gap reporting

Source: Green Party The Green Party backs the unions and community groups and Human Rights Commission calling for an urgent change in legislation to make...

Better long-term planning needed for COVID

Source: Green Party COVID-19 is here to stay and so the Government needs to put in place long-term protection measures, including mandatory ventilation standards, the...

It’s important to know your KiwiSaver history, Mr. Luxon

Source: Green Party What the Government should now do is reverse the cuts the National Party Government made to KiwiSaver incentives, the Green Party says. “Labour...

Time to ditch your tax plans, Mr. Luxon

Source: Green Party The Conservative Party in the UK has ditched its inflationary tax cuts, and the National Party should do the same.  The Reserve Bank...

Tax excess profits, don’t leave it to the good will of large corporations

Source: Green Party The Green Party is once again calling on the Government to introduce an excess profits tax and use the money to support...

Hauraki Gulf in urgent need of protection

Source: Green Party The Green Party backs the demands of Forest and Bird and calls on the Government to take urgent action to restore the...

Govt must urgently wipe MSD debt

Source: Green Party The Green Party is calling on the Government to clear debt people are being forced into by MSD, and support those doing...

Green Party releases initial candidate list for 2023 election

Source: Green Party The Green Party has released its initial list of candidates for the 2023 election, which will now inform the membership voting process. “With...

Green initiative addresses both climate and inequality

Source: Green Party A long standing Green Party policy has been extended yet again in this year’s Budget. This will deliver warmer homes for thousands...

Tertiary lifeline buys time to get model right

Source: Green Party The Green Party is today welcoming news that the Government will ensure much needed funding for the tertiary sector. “We’re proud to have...

Irresponsible Auckland harbour crossing bad for climate and bad for congestion

Source: Green Party Throwing tens of billions of dollars at another six lanes of traffic is not going to solve Auckland’s congestion problem – and...

Greens would push Labour much further on solar power

Source: Green Party Labour’s plan to support rooftop solar is a step in the right direction, but falls short of what could be achieved through...
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