
Upcycling food is part of successful waste management

Source: University of Otago Andreas has spent the summer working alongside Foodstuffs Waste Minimisation Manager, Francesca, and upcycle business, Citizen.Climate change got one Otago student...

Celebrating Matariki with an environmental twist

Source: Auckland Council Celebrating Matariki and learning about the environment? Thanks to funding from Henderson-Massey Local Board that’s exactly how it was done out west! Seven...

Unleash the Future of ESG: The World Green Organisations’s “ESG Xchange 2024: ESG for...

Source: Media Outreach HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach Newswire – 28 June 2024 – The escalating global climate crisis and frequent extreme weather events...

Cyclone Gabrielle – Police continue extra support

Source: New Zealand Police (National News) Police continue to pour staff and resources into the Eastern District to assist local staff responding to Cyclone Gabrielle. In...

South Island roads reopening as flood repairs continue

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency contractors have worked overtime to re-open most South Island highways affected by this week’s massive...

Greenpeace – Call for halt to NZ importing products linked to deforestation tomorrow in...

Source: Greenpeace Greenpeace International forest campaigner, Grant Rosoman will be there to present the petition to Green Party MP Eugenie Sage, along with Greenpeace activists holding...
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