
Our seas are sizzling again

Source: NIWA – National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Coastal sea temperatures around Aotearoa New Zealand have risen well above average, NIWA forecasters say. Marine...

Inaugural Australia–New Zealand Climate & Finance Summit

Source: New Zealand Government Finance Minister Grant Robertson and Climate Minister James Shaw have met in Wellington with their Australian counterparts, Treasurer Jim Chalmers and...

Looking ahead this Earth Day

Source: New Zealand Labour Party It’s Earth Day today and here at Labour, we’re deeply committed to protecting our environment – not just today, but...

State Highway 6, Ross to Haast, to remain closed overnight

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Heavy rain on the West Coast of the South Island will see State Highway stay closed tonight. The route was closed...

Sustainable Business – Building for Climate Change programme a historic leap towards zero carbon

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Sustainable Business Council A new programme, which sets a firm course for the Building and Construction sector to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions,...

Vanuatu: Estimated 125,500 children impacted by back-to-back tropical cyclones

Source: Save The Children Save the Children is preparing to respond to multiple disasters in the Pacific Island nation as hundreds of thousands of people...
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