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Renewable Energy Sector – Innovative pilot shows Virtual Power Plants can play an important...

Source: Ara Ake In May 2023, Ara Ake teamed up with solar-and-battery-as-a-service provider, SolarZero, to explore how solar batteries and smart technology could help manage electricity...

Northland News – Free wild food treats back for field days

Source: Northland Regional Council Free wild food treats from the Northland Regional Council will be back at the upcoming Northland Field Days after a hiatus post...

INDONESIA: At least 11,500 people displaced by floods in Central Java

Source: Save The Children Photo: A man with a Save the Children vest walks along a residential street inundated with floods in Demak, Indonesia in...

Hotspot Watch 23 February 2024

Source: NIWA – National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to...


Source: Save The Children Photo: Sarah looks out at the river that flooded her home following Cyclone Ana which hit Malawi in January 2022. Thoko Chikondi...

Strengthening the Single Economic Market

Source: New Zealand Government Finance Minister Nicola Willis has met with Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers to discuss the opportunities to lower business costs and increase...

Strong solution to protect Howick waterways

Source: Auckland Council Watercare’s flood recovery team installed a strong solution to safeguard Howick beaches and waterways in just one week. Watercare opted to go with...

Auckland Council adopts consultation document for Long-term Plan

Source: Auckland Council Tuesday 12 February, the consultation document for Auckland Council’s Long-term Plan (10-year Budget) 2024/34 was adopted by the Budget Committee following lengthy...

Bangkok’s children exposed to toxic air seven out of ten days in 2023 –...

Source: Save The Children Saathi, the Air Bear. The Air Bear initiative is part of Save the Children’s ‘Generation Hope’ campaign that aims to raise...

Climate News – Will it rain on my wedding day? – NIWA

Source: NIWA This is one of the most common questions that NIWA meteorologists get asked. Here they give their top tips to help you plan for...

Fire Safety – Hawke’s Bay moves to restricted fire season, Tararua East goes prohibited

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand Starting from 8am on Tuesday, 20 February, the following areas in Hawke’s Bay move to a restricted fire season. They are...

Release: Barbara Edmonds to take on finance role

Source: New Zealand Labour Party Mana MP Barbara Edmonds will take over the Finance portfolio following Grant Robertson’s retirement, Labour Leader Chris Hipkins announced today. “Barb...
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