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Child Poverty

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Yemen: Nine years into conflict and two years into truce, school dropouts soar –...

Source: Save the Children After nine years of conflict in Yemen, two in five children, or 4.5 million, are out of school, with displaced children twice as...

Government commits nearly $3 million for period products in schools

Source: New Zealand Government Government commits almost $3 million for period products in schools The Coalition Government has committed $2.9 million to ensure intermediate and secondary...

Taking stock of existing barriers to sexual and reproductive health of girls and women...

Source: Media Outreach CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA – African Media Agency – 22 March 2024 – Africa has the highest rate of births to adolescent...

Tamariki get opportunity to speak out on Ka Ora, Ka Ako, Healthy School Lunches...

Source: Save the Children Child rights organisation Save the Children is on a mission to ensure children’s voices are heard on any proposed changes to Ka...

Ending Child Poverty is a Policy Choice

Source: Save The Children Siblings Halima*, 6, Kamelah*, 18-months-old and Omfaruk*, 8, at their home in Kabul, Afghanistan. Jim Huylebroek / Save The Children. More than half...

Recreation and Health – Les Mills and UNICEF launch global Workout for Water challenge...

Source: UNICEF Aotearoa NZ Friday 22 March 2024. New Zealand. As World Water Day dawns in New Zealand this Friday, Les Mills and UNICEF have joined...

Oxfam – Global water crisis looms yet only one in four of the biggest...

Source: Oxfam Aotearoa Only 28 percent of the world’s most influential food and agriculture corporations report they are reducing their water withdrawals and just 23 percent...


Source: Save The Children Photo: Apsatou Bagaya / Save the Children  BAMAKO/ NIAMEY/ OUAGADOUGOU, 21 March 2024 — Escalating violence has led to a five-fold surge...

Speech to the Property Council of New Zealand Residential Development Summit

Source: New Zealand Government Introduction It’s a pleasure to be back here with you at the Aotea Centre. It’s just over a year since I spoke...

Global Bodies – CSI urges UN member states to end the scourge of economic...

Source: Christian Solidarity International (CSI) Christian Solidarity International (CSI), a Christian human rights organization, has called on United Nations member states to stop the use...

Coalition of cruelty punishing people for being poor

Source: Green Party Kicking the most vulnerable people out of state housing and pushing them towards homelessness will result in a proliferation of poverty and...

A Tale of Two El Niños: Malawi underwater while neighbour Zambia dries out

Source: Save The Children LILONGWE/LUSAKA, 15 March 2024 – Two neighbouring southern Africa nations are battling completely opposite weather disasters this month, with Zambia experiencing its...
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