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Release: Chris Hipkins’ speech: New Zealand in 2040 – A vision worth fighting for

Source: New Zealand Labour Party E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā iwi, e rau rangatira ma.  Tena koutou tēnā koutou tēnā koutou katoa.  Mālō e...

UNICEF Aotearoa launches first Parliamentary Forum for Children’s Rights

Source: UNICEF Aotearoa NZ The inaugural session of a new Parliamentary Forum for Children’s Rights, held at the Beehive last week, drew an engaged audience of...

Gang policy setting communities up for failure

Source: Green Party The Green Party says the Government’s misguided policy on gangs will fail, following the announcement of the establishment of a national gang...

Charter schools not a serious solution

Source: Green Party We need serious investment and solutions into our education system, not a vanity project from David Seymour.  “Education is not a business and...

Burkina Faso: Number of children facing emergency hunger levels set to surge fivefold as...

Source: Save The Children OUGADOUGOU, 13 May 2024 – The number of children in Burkina Faso facing emergency levels of hunger looks set to surge fivefold...

Children are the present & the future: Ensuring children contribute to an ambitious Summit...

Source: Save The Children Inger talking to a child in Senegal. Anta NDIAYE/Save the Children Last month I joined a session with child parliamentarians in Juba,...

Government shows allergy to evidence in benefits crackdown

Source: Green Party The Government has been caught in opposition to evidence once again as it looks to usher in tried, tested and failed work...

Health – Children and young people must be at the heart of new mental...

Source: Save the Children Child rights organisation Save the Children says children and young people must be meaningfully consulted with and their voices included in any...

Health and School – Lunches downgrade robs children of nutrition, well-being, immunity and fuel...

Source: Health Coalition Aotearoa The Government has sunk to a new low with today’s announcement that they will replace high quality nutritious lunches with largely processed...

KidsCan welcomes new food programme for under fives amidst Ka Ora, Ka Ako changes

Source: KidsCan KidsCan is welcoming the government’s announcement of a new early childhood food programme to support 10,000 preschoolers living in poverty.  Since 2019, the...

Africa – 15th Islamic Summit: Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Secretary-General Calls on Member...

SOURCE: Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Urges More International Support for the Recognition of the State of Palestine and Assistance in Attaining Full Membership in...

Security – Children in the Pacific face increasing levels of violence – Save the...

Source: Save the Children Children are facing increasing levels of physical, sexual, emotional and online violence at home, school and their communities in Fiji, Solomon Islands,...
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