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Cutting edge research uses pipefish to study the puzzle of sexual selection

Source: University of Canterbury Home > News > 2020 > 05 March 2020 Why does the colourful peacock look so splendid compared to the drab peahen? Charles Darwin came...

UC commits to gender pay parity research and action

Source: University of Canterbury Home > News > 2020 > 05 March 2020 The University of Canterbury (UC) is investigating gender pay parity for academics following recent findings by...

Crime prevention for workers in small businesses

Source: New Zealand Government A crime prevention initiative to improve the safety of workers in small businesses like dairies, liquor stores and petrol stations is...

Name release following death at Auckland Prison

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) Please attribute to Detective Inspector John Sutton, Waitemata Police: Police are now in a position to release the name of...

Renewable Energy – Green hydrogen announcement a game-changer – Business NZ

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: BusinessNZ BusinessNZ Energy Council executive director Tina Schirr commends the government’s announcement it will invest $19.9 million through the Provincial Growth Fund in...

Where’s the GDPR at after two years?

Source: New Zealand Privacy Commissioner – Blog Audiences in Auckland and Wellington were given a comprehensive overview of how the European Union’s General Data Protection...

Hotspot Watch 5 March 2020

Source: NIWA – National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to...

Race Relations Day provides an opportunity for all of us to come together

Source: Human Rights Commission The Race Relations Commissioner, Meng Foon, is inviting all New Zealanders to head along to their local Race Relations Day (Thursday...

Order of New Zealand dinner 2020

Source: New Zealand Governor General Kei aku rangatira e pae nei, tēnei aku mihi nui ki a koutou. Kia ora tātou katoa. Members of the Order of New...

Economic Performance – Gisborne King of the castle as Coronavirus weighs on forecasts

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: ASB Bank   Gisborne ended 2019 as King of the Scoreboard castle, making it three consecutive quarters on the trot. The Mighty Waikato jumped...

Auckland overnight motorway closures 8–14 March 2020

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closures for motorway improvements. Work delayed by bad weather will be...

PGF investment in green hydrogen

Source: New Zealand Government The Government is investing $19.9 million through the Provincial Growth Fund in a game-changing hydrogen energy facility in South Taranaki, Deputy...
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