Reminder – take extra care in driveways


Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

Attribute to Inspector Brett Callander:

Police are asking people to pay extra attention to driveway safety, after a number of incidents recently involving children being harmed.

Driveways can be extremely dangerous, and people need to do everything they can to ensure they keep themselves and others safe, especially where children are present.

Children move around quickly, and often won’t be seen as you are reversing down your driveway.

Always check your driveway before driving in or out, and make sure you know the whereabouts of any children.

Please use your reversing camera if your vehicle has one installed. Alternatively, ensure all children not in the vehicle with you are accounted for.

If another adult is at the property, make them responsible for ensuring children are well clear of any moving vehicles.

If there are no other adults present, have a ‘safe spot’ for children to stand and wait for the vehicle to stop moving. This should be somewhere in view of the driver.

Check your blind spots often, and if you can no longer see a child, stop your vehicle and move them somewhere safe before you continue driving.

If your driveway is close to the children’s play area, consider a fence or gates to separate the play area from the driveway.

You should also take the time to speak to your children about the dangers of moving vehicles and remind them that just because they can see the driver, doesn’t mean the driver can always see them.

Taking those extra few seconds to make sure our tamariki are in a safe space when you drive in and out of your driveway can help prevent so much heartache and trauma. Remember they don’t understand the potential consequences.


Issued by Police Media Centre 


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