Media are invited to the 382 Hon Anne Tolley Police recruit wing graduation


Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

What:     Graduation of the New Zealand Police Hon Anne Tolley 382 Recruit Wing.
Who:      For families and friends to celebrate with the newly attested police officers.
Why:      Graduation after completion of their initial training course at the RNZPC.
Where:  Te Rauparaha Arena, 17 Parumoana Street, Porirua.
When:   Thursday 13 March at 2pm – media will need to be in place by 1.45pm.
How:      RSVP the Police Media Centre if you’re attending:

Commissioner Richard Chambers will be attending the ceremony along with members of the Police executive and Wing Patron, Hon Anne Tolley.

The 382 Wing Patron:
Hon Anne Tolley has had wide experience in local and national politics over the past 30 years. She has recently been the Commission Chair for Tauranga City Council. Elected to the Napier City Council in 1986, she was Deputy Mayor for six years. She also served one term on the inaugural Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. In 1999, Anne was elected to Parliament as a National Party MP based in Napier, and then successfully contested the election for the East Coast Electorate in 2005. She held that seat until her retirement from national politics in 2020. Anne served for nine years as a government minister, holding the portfolios of Education, Police, Corrections, Ministry of Social Development, Children, and Local Government. She was the first woman to be Minister of Education. From 2017 to 2020, she served as Deputy Speaker of the House. Anne is Chair of Transparency International New Zealand’s Board and is a Justice of the Peace (JP).

Wing 382’s prize-winners are spread across four police districts, namely Counties Manukau, Bay of Plenty, Central and Wellington.

More details about statistics, prize winners and other recruits will be shared after graduation on Thursday.


Issued by Police Media Centre


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