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Source: ACT Party

Responding to Iran’s missile attack on Israel, ACT MP Simon Court says:

“Israel is under fire from three directions. The precarious position of Jewish people in the Middle East should have been clear before Hamas invaded Israel and massacred its civilians. Then Hezbollah started firing rockets at Israel, and today Iran has joined in with ballistic missiles.

“It should now be obvious that the last 12 months of attacks on Israel were always an Iranian proxy war to drive Jewish people out of the Middle East.

“Far too many New Zealanders have naively supported this proxy war by participating in Iran’s international propaganda campaign. Demonising the people of Israel has softened up the international community for an all-out assault on the only functional democracy in the Middle East.

“Iran and its allies are actively hostile to our values of democracy, freedom, and religious tolerance. Their goal is not justice, it is extermination. It is time for New Zealand politicians and activists to put down the keffiyeh scarves, condemn Iran and its proxies, and start doing right by Jewish people who deserve a place to call home.”