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Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

Christchurch Police urge motorists not to get behind the wheel after drinking following disappointing checkpoint results.

On Thursday 19 September, the Canterbury Impairment Prevention Team conducted a checkpoint in the city area.

Between 8:30am and 2:30pm, Police apprehended four drivers over the legal limit, with one driver three times over the legal limit.

Sergeant Ben Rutherford says members of the public often ask why Police conduct checkpoints during the day.

“These four drivers are a reminder that no matter the time of day, drink driving is an issue. This type of behaviour is dangerous and can have serious consequences.”

Police see too many preventative deaths on our roads, and we make no apology for targeting high-risk behaviours like drink driving at any time of the day.

“Expect us to be out in force anytime, anywhere.”

Police are committed to ensuring every road user arrives at their destination alive, however, we recognise there is power in our communities to make a difference too.

If you know someone has had a few drinks, or is over the limit and about to drive, say something.

Police want people to enjoy themselves but if you have had too much, call a family member, a friend, or a taxi to pick you up – never get behind the wheel.


Issued by Police Media Team