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Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


SPEAKER: A petition has been delivered to the Clerk.

CLERK: Petition of Kath McDonald requesting that the House change Standing Orders to allow the removal of petitions that would hurt groups protected from discrimination under the Human Rights Act 1993 from the Parliament website.

SPEAKER: That petition stands referred to the Petitions Committee. Ministers have delivered papers.


  • 2024/25 Statements of Performance Expectations for Fire and Emergency New Zealand, Predator Free 2050 Limited, and the Takeovers Panel.
  • Report of the Attorney-General under Section 7 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 on the Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill.
  • Climate Change Commission, Monitoring Report: Emissions Reduction.

SPEAKER: Those papers are published under the authority of the House. Select committee reports have been presented for presentation.


  • Report of the Health Committee on the Review briefing on the 2022/23 annual review of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission
  • Reports of the Justice Committee on the
    • Courts (Remote Participation) Amendment Bill
    • Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Amendment Bill
  • Reports of the Petitions Committee on the petitions of Anita Ye, Huck Smith-Haeata, and Jian Guo Yang
  • Report of the Regulations Review Committee on the Complaint about the Arms Amendment Regulations 2022
  • Report of the Social Service and Community Committee on the 2024/25 Estimates for appropriation within Vote Education Review Office related to the Independent Children’s Monitor.

SPEAKER: The bills are set down for second reading. The reports of the Health Committee and Regulations Review Committee are set down for consideration. The Clerk has been informed of the introduction of a bill.

CLERK: Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill introduction.

SPEAKER: That bill is set down for first reading.