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Source: Law Council of Australia

The Law Council of Australia welcomes the release today of the comprehensive review of the National Legal Assistance Partnership (NLAP) – fittingly recast as the Access to Justice Partnership – prepared by Dr Warren Mundy, and urges governments to partner with the legal assistance sector to develop an implementation plan as an urgent priority.

 “The independent NLAP review by Dr Mundy is a thorough investigation into how we can improve access to justice in this country,” Law Council President, Mr Greg McIntyre SC said.
“We commend Dr Mundy on this report and the broad consultation undertaken. It confirms what we all knew – that Australians in need have been let down by a decade of inaction and that very substantial funding injections must now be realised to ensure fair and just outcomes for those who need them most.  
“The Law Council welcomes the report’s fundamentally important recommendations, but had hoped its release would be accompanied by a government response that clearly outlines an implementation plan, developed in close partnership with the legal assistance sector.”
The NLAP funds Legal Aid Commissions (LACs), Community Legal Centres (CLCs), and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS). The report also recomm