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Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Safe Travel

  • Reviewed: 22 December 2023, 08:25 NZDT
  • Still current at: 22 December 2023

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If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.

Do not travel to Venezuela due to the unstable political and economic situation, ongoing high levels of violent crime, the potential for violent civil unrest, and shortages of food, medicine and other basic supplies (level 4 of 4).

There is a risk of kidnapping due to drug traffickers and illegal armed groups operating within 80 kilometres of the border with Colombia, particularly in the States of Zulia, Tachira and Apure.


Violent Crime
There is a very high level of violent crime throughout Venezuela, including in national parks and tourist areas. Murder, armed robberies, kidnappings and carjackings are common, especially in the capital Caracas. Street crime, such as mugging and pickpocketing, is prevalent and often results in violence. Many criminals carry firearms. No resistance should be given if you are the victim of crime as this could lead to an escalation in violence. Victims are often injured or killed when attempting to resist perpetrators. Sexual assault is also a significant concern.

The capital Caracas has one of the highest rates of violent crime in the world and you should avoid ‘barrios’ (heavily populated slum areas) as violent crime is especially prevalent in these areas.

Travellers have been robbed and assaulted after accepting spiked food and drink. Do not leave food or drink unattended or accept any food or drink from strangers. Criminals have also been known to pose as police officers or uniformed officials to harass and extort money from tourists.

New Zealanders are advised to exercise vigilance at all times, and maintain a low profile as crime in Venezuela can occur at any time. You should avoid walking or driving in isolated areas, especially at night and avoid wearing or displaying valuables such as cameras, phones or jewellery. When travelling by car, keep doors locked and windows up at all times and do not stop to assist with vehicle breakdowns, clear debris from the road or to pick up hitchhikers.

Kidnapping is of serious concern in Venezuela. Express kidnappings, where criminals abduct a victim for a short amount of time and force them to withdraw funds from their bank account, are common. Express kidnappings are common and occur throughout the country. Tourists may be specifically targeted. To reduce the risk of this, we recommend you use ATMs which are located within bank branches and during daylight hours only. Be discrete when handling money in public. 

Along with criminal gangs, Colombian terrorist groups such as the ELN are active along Venezuela’s border with Colombia, Brazil and Guyana. Kidnapping for ransom in these areas has resulted in the death of hostages, including foreigners.

Local Travel/Transport Safety
The area around Maiqueta Simon Bolivar Airport and the road between the airport and Caracas are particularly dangerous. Criminal groups operate in, and around, the airport and we advise particular vigilance while transiting the airport. Travel after dark on the road to Caracas should be avoided. We recommend staying in an airport hotel if your flight is arriving late at night or leaving early in the morning, ensure you make safe transport arrangements for between the airport and airport hotel.

There have also been reports of muggings and kidnappings by criminals posing as taxi drivers. New Zealanders are strongly advised to exercise caution when using taxis throughout Venezuela. Use radio-dispatched or pre-booked taxis and check the driver’s identification and company information before you enter the vehicle. Avoid all public transport. Seek professional security advice and have effective personal security measures in place.

Border closures with Colombia and Brazil occur frequently, often with little notice.

Civil Unrest/Political Tension
Political demonstrations and protests regularly occur throughout Venezuela, often in major urban centres, and civil unrest has increased since 2019. Protests have taken place in Caracas, Maracay Merida, San Cristobal, Valencia, and other cities. Protests have resulted in many arrests, injuries and deaths in the past. Further protest activity and ongoing unrest is likely and there is the ongoing possibility of violence. The political, economic and security situation remains volatile.

Roads and highways are often blocked during demonstrations which can also disrupt public transport systems. Authorities are heavily armed and often use tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds. Disruptions to essential services also occur.

New Zealanders in Venezuela are advised to avoid any protests, demonstrations or large public gatherings as even peaceful gatherings have the potential to turn violent. We advise paying close attention to personal security and monitoring local media for information. Comply with any instructions issued by the local authorities, including any curfews. Monitor local and international media, review personal security plans and be aware of your surroundings. If unexpectedly in the vicinity of a protest or demonstration, leave as soon as it is safe to do so.

Basic Services
The economic situation in Venezuela remains extremely fragile. Provision of basic food items and necessities, including water, electricity and medication can be unreliable, leading to shortages and disruptions. These items may be difficult to obtain away from hotels and as precautionary measure, we recommend ensuring adequate supplies of food and water are on hand. Long queues for basic services can lead to riots, fighting and theft.

Incidents of piracy have occurred off the coast of Venezuela. Mariners are advised to take appropriate precautionary measures. For more information view the International Maritime Bureau’s piracy report.

General Travel Advice
As there is no New Zealand diplomatic presence in Venezuela, the ability of the New Zealand Government to provide assistance to New Zealand citizens is severely limited. We offer advice to New Zealanders about contingency planning that travellers to Venezuela should consider.

Tensions have increased between Guyana and Venezuela. The security situation may deteriorate near Venezuela/Guyana border area. If you choose to travel to this area, you should monitor local media and follow the advice of local authorities.

It is unsafe to drink tap water in Venezuela, use bottled water for drinking and brushing teeth.

Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe and can include lengthy imprisonment in harsh and dangerous Venezuelan jails, which are among the worst in the region.

Authorities may ask for proof of your identity at any time, carry a colour photocopy of your passport at all times.

Photography of government buildings, airports, military bases or the Presidential palace is prohibited, and could result in detention. If in doubt, don’t take a picture.

New Zealanders in Venezuela should have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in place that includes provision for medical evacuation by air. 

New Zealanders in Venezuela are encouraged to register their details their details with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Travel tips

The New Zealand Embassy Mexico City, Mexico is accredited to Venezuela

Street Address Jaime Balmes No 8, 4th Floor, Los Morales, Polanco, Mexico D.F. 11510 Telephone +52 55 5283 9460 Fax +52 55 5283 9480 Email Web Site Hours Mon – Fri 0930 – 1400

See our regional advice for Central/South America