New Zealand Apprenticeships


Source: Tertiary Education Commission

New Zealand Apprenticeships provide a premier vocational pathway and quality support for all apprentices.
The detailed criteria for New Zealand Apprenticeships are as follows:
an apprentice must be employed in the occupation for which they are training
throughout the apprenticeship, an apprentice must be supported by a training plan agreed by themselves, their employer, the transitional ITO or receiving education providers arranging the training
New Zealand Apprenticeships must include a strong theoretical component and will result in either:
a level 4 New Zealand qualification, comprising a minimum of 120 credits, or
two or more qualifications totalling at least 120 credits, provided this includes only level 3 and 4 qualifications and at least 60 out of the total credits are at level 4.

If less than half of the programme’s credits are at level 4, we will require additional information to confirm that the programme is focussed on level 4 outcomes.
Please ensure when applying for an NZA, you meet these criteria.
It is expected on completing New Zealand Apprenticeships, apprentices will be ‘work competent’ for the occupation in which they have been training, and their industries will determine the standard of competency to be met.
Reform of Vocational Education
Please note, under the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE), the TITOs are required to transition their arranging training functions to other providers before 31 December 2022, pending the TITOs’ disestablishment. The receiving providers include Te Pūkenga and some private training establishments (PTEs).
The TITOs’ and receiving education providers role in setting standards for vocational qualifications that can be registered by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) transferred in October 2021 to the Workforce Development Councils.
Applying for the TEC’s approval of New Zealand Apprenticeships
Please use the New Zealand Apprenticeship application form to apply for TEC approval of New Zealand Apprenticeships (NZA).
Guidelines on the NZA criteria, approval process and how to complete the form are covered within the application form.
New Zealand Apprenticeship TEC Approval Application Form (Word, 225 Kb)
TITOs and receiving education providers must have an NZQA-approved programme for each apprenticeship before we fund any enrolments.
The 2022 NZA Application form has recently been updated. Please note the following changes:
Transitional ITOs and receiving education providers are now required to submit Schedule of Fee information at the pre-approval stage.
TEC require the following forms and evidence to be submitted for the collection of Schedule of Fee information:
Increase/introduce fees application form (Word, 211 Kb)
Schedule of Fees template (Excel, 52 Kb)
Evidence of fee amounts
Additional changes have also been made to the 2022 NZA Application Form, refer to the application form for changes.
If you have any questions please contact us on
Support for New Zealand Apprentices
The Government expects all New Zealand Apprentices and employers to be well supported by their TITOs and receiving education providers to achieve a high level of success in completing their apprenticeships.
TITOs and receiving education providers need to make sure each apprentice receives the pastoral support they need and that good communication with both the apprentice and employer is maintained.
New Zealand Apprenticeships are funded at a higher rate than industry training to ensure TITOs and receiving education providers provide this level of support.
Code of Good Practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships
The Code of Good Practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships was developed in conjunction with apprentices, employers and TITOs and receiving education providers. It sets out the responsibilities and expectations of all parties involved in an apprenticeship: the apprentice, the employer and the TITO and receiving education providers.
Code of Good Practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships (PDF, 440 Kb). 
How many apprentices are in training?
There are two ways to count the number of apprentices – and both are correct. The first method includes those that are funded as apprentices by the TEC and the second method includes all learners in apprenticeships and apprenticeship-like training.
The fact sheet below explains why there are two different counts, how we count apprentices and the impact any operational changes have on the counts.
Fact sheet – How many apprentices do we have? (PDF, 701 Kb).

We approve all New Zealand Apprenticeships and maintain a register. To find out what apprenticeships are available, and which TITO and receiving education providers to contact, refer to the New Zealand Apprenticeships Register.
New Zealand Apprenticeships Register (updated July 2020) (XLS, 760 Kb)

If you completed your apprenticeship after 1993 these details are likely to be held by the respective TITO and receiving education providers, who you should contact directly for a copy.
If you completed your apprenticeship before 1993 we might be able to provide a record of completion for you from the Register of Apprentices.
To request a record of the completion of your apprenticeship, fill in the Request for Apprenticeship Record form (PDF, 169 Kb) and email it, with a photocopy of your identification, to or send it to:
Tertiary Education Commission
PO Box 27-048
Wellington 6141

We have created guidelines for using the New Zealand Apprenticeships logo. The logo must only be used for New Zealand Apprenticeships funded through the Industry Training Fund. Refer to the logo use guidelines for more detail:
New Zealand Apprenticeships logo use and certificate creation (Word, 56 Kb)
New Zealand Apprenticeships logo guidelines (PDF, 1.4 Mb)
The files are zipped into folders by logo type below. Each logo type is available in a range of file formats (eps, pdf, jpg, tif, ai) and sizes (small, medium, large) to make them compatible for printing or online use.Note. The reference images are not suitable for use; you should only use the images in the zipped files. Please refer to the guidelines above for information on how and when to use the logos correctly.

Reference Image

Logo Zip Type and files to download

Black logo – both Print and Web format – all sectors (Zip, 1.8 Mb)

Greyscale logo – both Print and Web format – all sectors (Zip, 1.8 Mb)

Greyscale reversed logo – both Print and Web format – all sectors (Zip, 1 Mb)

White reverse logo – both Print and Web format – all sectors (Zip, 1 Mb)

Construction and Infrastructure – colour logo Print and Web format (Zip, 3 Mb)

Creative – colour logo Print and Web format (Zip, 3 Mb)

Manufacturing and Technology – colour logo Print and Web format (Zip, 2 Mb)

Primary – colour logo Print and Web format (Zip, 2 Mb)

Services – colour logo Print and Web format (Zip, 2 Mb)

Social and Community – colour logo Print and Web format (Zip, 2 Mb)


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