Have your say: Proposed changes to replace “guide dog” with “disability assist dog” as a prohibited ground of discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993


Source: New Zealand Parliament

The Human Rights (Disability Assist Dogs Non-Discrimination) Amendment Bill 2021 proposes to amend the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination set out in the Human Rights Act 1993. The bill would replace “guide dog” with the broader term “disability assist dog” as a prohibited ground of discrimination.

The amendments in the bill would make it clear that if any individual, organisation, or business discriminates against a person on the basis that the person has or uses a disability assist dog, for example by denying service to that person, then it would be considered discrimination against that person under the Human Rights Act. The bill would do this by replacing “guide dog” with “disability assist dog” in the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination.

An example of a denial of service covered by the bill is if a person is denied rental housing on the basis that they have or use a disability assist dog.

Tell the Social Services and Community Committee what you think

Make a submission on the bill by 11.59pm on 10 November 2021.

If you require any assistance to make a submission, get in contact with committee staff either via email at ssc@parlaiment.govt.nz or phone on 04 817 9520.

For more details about the bill:




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