Applicant requests further extension on methyl bromide recapture deadline


Source: Environmental Protection Authority

The gas is mainly used to fumigate logs and timber products before they are exported. It is a toxic and ozone-depleting substance.

STIMBR is the applicant in a reassessment of the recapture requirements for methyl bromide. The approval to import or manufacture the gas cannot be revoked as part of this process.

Recapture was required by October 2020. STIMBR applied for and was granted three previous extensions, citing the 180-day lead-in time needed for letters of credit for log exports to India.

STIMBR recently reapplied to the Decision-making Committee for a further extension on the same basis. The Committee has now granted the request, in order to provide certainty to the industry until a decision is reached on the reassessment application.

This decision extends the recapture deadline to 28 February 2022, for all users of methyl bromide in New Zealand, and for all intended markets. The final reassessment decision, and any future requirements, will ultimately take priority over this time waiver.

The Environmental Protection Authority is committed to being completely transparent in the reassessment process. All of the material before the Decision-making Committee is available on our website.

Read the official record of this decision (PDF, 255 KB)
Read about the modified reassessment of methyl bromide


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