Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA)
As the Māori New Year was being ushered in a haka was gifted to PPTA Te Wehengarua during a hui on renewing our treaty commitments.
Inspired by the celestial elements, with Matariki on the rise heralding in the Māori New Year, Te Huarahi Māori Motuhake invoked the energies from within and from those handed down through the generations, during their recent Matariki wānanga, working towards renewing our union’s Treaty commitments to our relationships – Mana Tangata , Mana Ōrite, ngā mahi i roto i ngā kura tuarua, reflecting on where we are and where we aspire to be.
A haka was composed and gifted to the takitini. Time for our people to rise, we are being challenged, there are ways that guide us, rise up, Te Huarahi! Be strong, be determined, be brave, for our strength is within the collective, our tūpuna and our whānau, so that we remain firm, resolute and staunch!
Te Wehengarua Haka
Kaea: Torona Tītaha
Katoa: Tītaha
Kaea: Maranga Mai E Te Iwi E
Tukitukia Werowerohia
Te Wehengarua Tikanga
Tū Mai Tū Mai Te Huarahi Māori Motuhake
Kia Kaha Kia Toa Kia Manuawanui E
Ehara Taku Toa
I Te Toa Takitahi
Engari Taku Toa He Toa Takitini
Āke Ake Ake Tonu Atu E Hī