Source: New Zealand Police (National News)
NZ Police have been pleased with the public response to the change in Covid-19 Alert Levels in the Auckland region and across New Zealand today.
Nine checkpoints have been operating since this afternoon across Auckland’s regional boundaries, at the following locations:
Twin Coast Highway/North of Coal Hill Road
Black Swamp Road
Twin Coast Highway/Cames Road
SH1 North of Twin Coats Discovery Highway
Twin Coast Highway/Ryan Road
Mill Road
Kawakawa/Orere Road and Orere/Matingarahi Road.
Mangatawhiri Road/Lyons Road
River Road/Lapwood Road
Police are stopping every vehicle attempting to travel through each checkpoint, and speaking with every driver.
Our staff have reported that people are generally being compliant and are heeding the restrictions that have been put in place to prevent a re-emergence of Covid-19 in the community.
Police are taking a friendly but firm approach and those people who have not had valid reason for travel have been turned back. These included people who were travelling to visit friends or family, going for a scenic drive, or trying to get to their holiday homes.
Many people will have experienced significant congestion at checkpoints and around some essential services today. Police would like to thank motorists for their patience and cooperation.
The congestion around the checkpoints has eased somewhat during the afternoon and is expected to continue to improve tonight and tomorrow.
Police would like to remind Aucklanders to please look after each other and avoid non-essential travel.
Issued by Police Media Centre.