Notification: E tū Special Conference – E tū


Source: Etu Union

E tū is calling for a Special Conference to be held online on Thursday, 26 June 2025, at 6:00 PM.

Purpose of the Special Conference

E tū is required under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 to register a new set of rules. The National Executive established a Constitutional subcommittee in late 2023 to review and draft a new Constitution. This draft was subsequently approved by the National Executive.

The goal of this review is to ensure compliance with legislative requirements while maintaining the existing powers and obligations under our current rules. Notable changes required by law include:

  • A register of interests for governance members,
  • Inclusion of a National General Meeting, and
  • A disputes-resolution process.

To finalise the adoption of these new rules, E tū will hold a special conference on 26 June 2025, where delegates will vote on the draft constitution.

Who is eligible to attend?

Only delegates who attended the 2024 E tū Conference are eligible to participate in this special conference. This includes:

  • Delegates who were physically present at the 2024 Conference.
  • Delegates who were elected but were unable to attend the 2024 Conference.

Eligible delegates will be contacted by email with more information, including the links to attend the online Special Conference, closer to the time.


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