Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Mount Victoria Tunnel will be the next tunnel on State Highway 1 in Wellington to get its annual Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF) inspection.
A similar inspection was completed on the Terrace Tunnel last month – Because the tunnels are critical infrastructure on heavily used traffic routes, they are required to be inspected, tested, and maintained regularly.
The work will see Mount Victoria Tunnel closed to traffic Monday to Thursday nights next week (17-20 March), between 9 pm and 4 am.
People travelling between the Wellington CBD and Kilbirnie/Miramar will have to use alternative routes on local roads.
This will require extra travel time and drivers should allow extra time for their journeys. This is particularly important for people needing to get to and from Wellington Airport.
Further details about planned state highway tunnel closures can be found on the NZTA/Waka Kotahi website.