First Responders – Mangakahia Fire Update #2


Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Firefighters are continuing work to contain the vegetation fire burning at Mangakahia in Northland, which began yesterday afternoon.
The fire has burned an area of 25 hectares and destroyed one derelict building. No other structures have been damaged and no residents have had to evacuate.
Fire and Emergency Assistant Commander Wayne Martin says that last night crews focused on extinguishing flareups on the edges of the fireground. Today’s mission is to create a 10 metre wide containment line. Heavy machinery is building a firebreak and a helicopter is supporting the ground crews.
Local roads are open but drivers are asked to slow down on Tokowhero Road where firefighters are working.
Northland’s fire risk is extremely high and the smallest spark can set grass alight, so Fire and Emergency is asking people to avoid any outdoor activities that cause sparks. This includes grinding, welding, mowing and using chainsaws. The initial investigation into yesterday’s fire is that it was caused by sparks from a grinder, as was another fire earlier in the week.


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