Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Safer road crossing for residents at Pūtiki in Whanganui is now a reality.
Work has now been completed on State Highway 4 at Pūtiki, with a new pedestrian refuge island installed and a new flush median, kerb extension and pram crossing points (where the footpath dips down to meet the road).
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) Project Manager Kendra Ludeke says the road is now safer to cross as there is a place for people to stop halfway to check for traffic.
“We’ve worked closely with the Pūtiki Emergency Response Group (PERG) to finalise this design and work. One of the key recommendations from the group was to make it safer for pedestrians to cross SH4 Pūtiki Drive where the Kaumātua flats and bus stops are.
“Safe and appropriate crossings are key elements in providing a connected network for pedestrians and we are happy to be working in collaboration with the project partners to achieve this in Pūtiki.
“This crossing will make it easier for people to cross this at-times busy stretch of highway. It’s important people using the area to cross the road still look both ways and be careful before crossing.
PERG member Kanui Cooper says these additions help to improve traffic management during a flood event and evacuation of the Kaumatua flats and form part of a range of initiatives driven by the local community that aim to improve safety for everyone – in particular Kaumātua and tamariki.
“The initiative not only improves safety, but it also strengthens connectedness to the community and to Whanganui as a whole.”
NZTA Project Manager Kendra Ludeke (3rd from right) is joined by Kaumātua, residents and local community members, trying out the new crossing. NB: since this photo, yellow tactile indicators have also been installed.