“Something is very wrong in our society and economy” – NZCTU Workforce Survey shows people fear for future


Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

Insecurity in work, housing, and health among working people has emerged as the key finding from the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions Te Kauae Kaimahi’s 2025 annual Mood of the Workforce survey.

NZCTU President Richard Wagstaff says the survey, which polled more than 1900 people, shows immense concern that the Government is taking Aotearoa New Zealand in the wrong direction.

“We’ve been running this survey since 2019, and I have never seen such a negative response. People are in fear for their jobs and their businesses, their ability to keep their homes, and for their health,” said Wagstaff.

“They also don’t trust this Government to make it better because they are feeling firsthand the damage that’s been done with austerity policies that are only benefiting an already privileged few.

“The message that the Government has no interest in helping working people, who are the majority of New Zealanders, is coming through strongly in people’s comments on the tax system, the health system, and their work.

“People are sharing stories of losing their jobs or struggling to cover the work of colleagues who have already lost their jobs. These are heartbreaking to hear. But so are the stories of families being broken up as people’s kids leave the country to find better job prospects, or of parents having to act as a safety net for their adult children. These children have been hit hardest by the recent downturns, and an unfair and unforgiving housing market.

“A consistent theme is an overwhelming sense that something is very wrong, both in our society and with the economy.

“We’ve seen that at a statistical level in things like the recent Curia polling which showed people feel we are on the wrong track as a nation, but the results from our workforce survey give a close up and troubling picture of what that means in people’s lives.

“My great concern is that rather than admit that their policy direction is hurting people and damaging our economy, the Government is doubling down on it in their recent announcements.

“Whether that’s because of the Government’s arrogance or because they live in a bubble of privilege and don’t understand the damage they are doing is immaterial. People want a change of direction and to see things done a different and better way.

“Any politician or political party that ignores working people and their communities does so at their peril,” said Wagstaff.

View the results


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