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Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The Prime Minister’s decision to back his firearms minister on gun law changes despite multiple warnings shows his political judgement has failed him yet again.

“It is the second time in two weeks Christopher Luxon has backed a junior minister from a coalition party rather than listening to warnings about public safety,” Labour firearms spokesperson Ginny Andersen said.

“This time it’s Nicole McKee who is the ‘ace out of place’ as Christopher Luxon would say, having made changes to legislation loosening reporting requirements for clubs and ranges.

“Police have raised safety concerns, given this change may create a loophole for gangs, extremists, or other criminals to get easy access to ammunition. But the changes were labelled ‘minor tweaks’ by the Prime Minister to media yesterday, and by doing so he effectively threw police and concerns for their safety under a bus.

“Christopher Luxon is putting the interests of New Zealanders second to the short-term political deals that have seen him back incompetent ministerial decisions. We need better leadership than this and he should end the distraction Nicole McKee is causing.

The Government has:

  • Dismissed warnings from Police in a Cabinet paper about the loophole Nicole McKee is creating for ammunition sales
  • Dismissed former Police Minister and deputy PM Paula Bennett’s version of events about advice she received from Nicole McKee
  • Ignored pleas from ethnic communities to not weaken firearms laws
  • Failed to heed the advice of Parliament’s cross party Petitions Committee that questioned the capability of gun clubs and shooting range operators to screen, assess, monitor and report their users. According to the Firearms Safety Authority this can legally include unlicensed people if they shoot under supervision of a licence holder.

“Christopher Luxon fails to understand the risks he is opening up and should heed the report of the Royal Commission into the terror attacks, which are under renewed scrutiny this week at the Coronial inquiry in Christchurch,” Ginny Andersen said.

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