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Source: Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa

6 August 2024 – Organisations unite to put children at the centre of government policy

Several organisations in Ōtautahi/Christchurch, deeply concerned about the direction of government policies over a wide range of issues, are joining together for a Hikoi mō ngā Tamariki (March for Children) this Saturday 10 August, from 1pm at Latimer Square.

We’re coming together to stand up for a future that puts children at the centre – ko ngā tamariki te pūtake!

Stop government attacks on Te Ao Māori, worker and environmental protections and climate action
End tax cuts for the wealthy and restore our public services
Condemn the genocide in Gaza and stop playing nuclear war games in the Pacific

A copy of the poster for the event is attached and this has the logos of the groups endorsing the event.

We plan for three marches to go from Latimer Square, via different routes to maximise public engagement, to a rally at the Bridge of Remembrance where speakers from Toitū te tiriti will welcome the crowd and host the rally.

MC at the rally will be Merita Waitoa-Paki from Toitū te tiriti and brief talks will be given by

Tākuta Ferris – Toitū te tiriti
Yasser Abdulaal – Palestinian kiwi with close family living in Gaza
Aurora Garner-Randolph – representing School Strike for Climate and Students for Justice in Palestine at Canterbury University
Jessica Przychodzko (pronounced shi-hosh-ko) – representing Forest and Bird Youth who will talk about the fast-track bill.
Keegan Verster and Bronte Fitzhardinge – two school students representing Next Generation Conversations

Street Theatre – Juliet Neill will put Mr Christopher Luxon on trial

Siana Fitzjohn – speaking for Extinction Rebellion
Ruth Jones – speaking from the disability sector
Nancy McShane – Public Service Association delegate in the health sector  
Sara Qasem – Palestinian poet
John Minto – National Chair of the Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa

We invite the media to report on this colourful, family-friendly event which has a powerful political message for the government.

Included in the rally will be a “mock trial” of Prime Minister Christopher Luxon who will be represented by a large puppet figure at the Bridge of Remembrance.

There will be plenty of visual stimulation and passionate korero as part of this event.

On behalf of the organising Committee:

Toitū te tiriti

School Strike for Climate

Students for Justice in Palestine

Extinction Rebellion (Rebecca Finch 0212966045)

Climate Liberation Aotearoa (now Climate Action Aotearoa)

Public Service Association

Next Generation Conversations

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa.