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Source: Ministry for Primary Industries

About this consultation

All food produced for sale in New Zealand must comply with the applicable composition and labelling requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, and certain New Zealand specific food standards.

Sometimes, New Zealand requirements for composition and/or labelling differ from the importing country’s requirements. In these cases, food businesses are currently required to submit an application to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to have their food export exempted from New Zealand composition and/or labelling requirements to meet the importing country requirements.

There are limitations with the current individual exemption process and this consultation seeks your feedback on some alternative options.

What is being proposed?

We’re proposing 3 options, alongside the status quo, to better enable food exporters to comply with overseas composition and/or labelling requirements.

  • Option 1: Maintain the status quo. This option uses section 347 of the Food Act 2014 to continue to provide exemptions on an individual application/case-by-case basis. This approach means each exemption is specific to a particular food exported to a particular market.
  • Option 2: An exemption in regulations for all food exports from New Zealand standards relating to composition and labelling, with conditions.
  • Option 3: An exemption in regulations for all food exports from New Zealand standards relating to labelling (no conditions to be met) and composition (with conditions to be met, potentially including where health claims are made or government assurances are required).
  • Option 4: An exemption in regulations for all food exports, with a differentiated approach for different classes of product or market. For example, foods that are intended for consumption by a higher-risk population group may have some specific conditions that are different from another class of products.

All options, except the status quo, propose creating new regulations under the Food Act 2014. The details for each option are set out in the discussion document. 

We welcome your feedback on the proposals. Submissions close on 26 July 2024.

Discussion document

Proposed options for export exemptions from New Zealand composition and/or labelling requirements under the Food Act 2014 [PDF, 1.4 MB]

Related information

Food Act 2014 – NZ Legislation

Making your submission

Email your feedback by 5pm on 26 July 2024 to

We recommend you use our template to help you complete your submission. The template includes questions to be answered.

Submission template [DOCX, 57 KB]

While we prefer email, you can post written submissions to:

Consultation: Export exemptions from New Zealand composition and/or labelling requirements under the Food Act 2014
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140
New Zealand.

What to include in your submission

Put the title of the consultation document in the subject line of your email. In the template or your written submission document, also include:

  • your name and title
  • your organisation’s name (if you are submitting on behalf of an organisation, and whether your submission represents the whole organisation or part of it)
  • your contact details (such as phone number, address, and email)
  • your answers to the questions in the discussion document.